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The Monterey SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is facing challenges selling Joan Fontaine's Oscar, which the actress willed to the organization upon her death in 2013. I'm surprised this is an issue, since Fontaine won the award in 1942, before the Academy required winners to sign an agreement that they would offer to sell the award back to the organization for one dollar before making any other sale. Hopefully the SPCA will be able to work something out and raise funds with the sale as desired by Fontaine.

Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner shared the titles of the ten classic movies that he required cast members to watch for inspiration. Only Blue Velvet (1987) surprised me, at least at first. You can really see the influence of several of these films in the show. (via Warner Archive)

This post about 14 Things You Might Not Know About The Sound of Music, includes a clip of Mia Farrow auditioning for Liesl (not a songbird that one), Julie Andrews talking with the real Maria on television and footage of the real Von Trapp Family singers. Added bonus, Andrews performing The Lonely Goatheard with the Muppets.

I was fascinated to read this article about pioneering English film critic CA Lejeune.

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