It's been fun to get the first dispatches from the 2013 TCM Film Festival: Raquelle of Out of the Past , Laura of Laura's Miscellaneous Musings and Aurora of Once Upon a Screen and Lara of Backlots all had stories to share from their first day in Hollywood.
Cary Grant shares his style secrets in a vintage issue of GQ. I love the formality of his language. So elegant--
Everything I hear about Debbie Reynolds' new book sounds so juicy. I'm sure it's great, but I'd almost rather have lunch with her. Or drinks?--Old Hollywood Glamour
Speaking of Ms. Debbie, it cracks me up that you can go to Reynolds' online store and put a $40,000 Grace Kelly costume in your basket with the click of a button--Debbie Reynolds Studio Store
I don't know how I missed this announcement when it came out earlier in the month, but I'm very excited about the child stars blogathon--Comet Over Hollywood
This Clark Gable quote about Carole Lombard made me misty--Warner Archive tumblr