EVERYONE ELSE (Dir. Maren Ade, 2009)

Lars Eidinger and Birgit Minichmayr as a couple of young newlyweds on a Mediterranean vacation are one of the most believable screen couples to come along in some time.
Believable because they are neurotic, suspicious and thoroughly mixed up yet still seem to have convincing affection for each other. However as our time with them ends and the credits roll it appears to be undeniably a doomed affection.
This is a largely formless film that basically just follows the copule as they flow through a few days - eating, drinking, making love, and endlessly making vague banter that hints to a poorly hidden sadness.
They run into another couple (Nicole Marischka and Hans-Jochen Wagner) and reluctantly try to socialize with them, but it only brings about insecurities about Eidinger's middling architectural career and their undefined class status.
"It's not embarrassing not to have profound dreams" Minichmayr offers at one point, and while she means it to comfort, it can't help but sting.
When the film explores the awkward yet affable dynamic of the 2 couples its easy to think a BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE thing might ensue, but don't worry - it's so not that kind of movie.
Though it drags slightly, the beautifully shot (by cinematographer Bernhard Keller) EVERYONE ELSE feels achingly real from the tense exchanges of the leads to the sex scenes, which add to the voyeuristic appeal in that they look too real to be faked.
Those who fret about subtitles and small scale character studies will likely be bored, but EVERYONE ELSE will do for those looking for an emotionally engaging film about people you might actually know, or in some cases might be.
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